A letter from my Dad, I have been mollycoddled!

Wednesday 8 April 2020

I have been pampered in generous amounts here. I hope you read this and know, that someone truly cares about you. And if like me, you have a proclivity for canned phrases, this is for you too. :)

Dearest Tanisha,

It is so heart warming to read your note for your mother. It is wonderful to know your deep rooted and crystal clear thoughts, these are a reflection of your persona which is evolving. It is so mesmerizing to fathom your eloquence, the incisive focus that you have exhibited through your words displays your approach. As the vernacular saying goes that successful people don't do different things; they just do things differently. How you approach a subject in a precision manner is the hallmark of a successful person.One thing that I have imbibed through my years is that a fine & illustrious person will certainly have passion, kindness and an eye for detail which makes him/her reach the goal of life in an accomplished manner.Yes, we realize that you are growing; by God's grace; the attributes that you possess will assist you to scale greater height in life.Keep moving; slowly and steadily; keep assimilating all the good things in life.The blessing of Almighty God (the invisible power that makes everything move in the universe including us ) and your mother, father and brother will always remain and we hope to see you rising like a star.Brave you should be; don't be afraid of failures; these are stepping stones to success. Somebody who has not tasted failure or defeat is unlucky since he has missed an opportunity to learn, to gain strength to cope up with failure, to gain the resolve to dodge the failures.Kind you should be, the strength that you gain by seeing the smile on somebody's face when he/she gets what he/she is longing for. It brings up positive vibes.Affectionate you should be- what you give comes back to you- is an old saying.We can only thank God for seeing our child blossom into a very fine human being.Keep going strong; Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

"Sometimes you can't see yourself clearly until you see yourself through the eyes of others.It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop."

"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.""Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."

"Once you choose hope, anything's possible." "Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value." -- Albert Einstein"

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." -- Charles Darwin"

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they must be felt with the heart." -- Helen Keller"

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -- Eleanor Roosevelt

"Failure is another steppingstone to greatness." -- Oprah Winfrey"

If you're not stubborn, you'll give up on experiments too soon. And if you're not flexible, you'll pound your head against the wall and you won't see a different solution to a problem you're trying to solve." -- Jeff Bezos

"If you're going through hell, keep going." -- Winston Churchill

"What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise." -- Oscar Wilde

There are lot of good things to learn in life; lot of things to unravel; keep going; the love of your family is eternal and will stay with you forever.God bless.

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