Spring: A paroxysm of celebration within my heart

Tuesday 16 April 2019

The extreme satisfaction, security, and love that I derive from the weather, the trees, and the empty roads, is something that probably no other love will attain. The spring is the catalyst to the bounce in my step. Yet I feel most grounded but free and unbounded. My heart swells up, as I awaken to the cold breeze after a long sleep, from within myself. Every masquerade is dropped, shellacked. There is romance, there is laughter, and there is kindness- all within myself. The indifference and disappointment of every-day life that limits such emotions, unties and unfurls, and I can see, beyond that reality to what is actually real, for me.

Isn’t it lovely, I wonder how all the good memories are played in your mind as the wind sweeps your hair, and you move into it, smiling. There is no one who would interrupt, no one who would distort the images in your head; just good daydreams in the blooming passion that is spring.

This is not how I clicked it, but pictured it.

“I hope life only goes uphill from here!” I said to myself.

But even in the atmosphere, nothing stays the same. Nothing is constant. We live in the troposphere, where temperature falls as we go up. And as soon as the troposphere ends, and stratosphere begins, temperature increases as we go up. There is no spring in space, only blackness. Life is weird, and unlike science, there’re no explanations about why we feel the way feel, or why what happened happened.

Oh, I was talking about spring. My mind drifted to another layer of the atmosphere. But it’s certain, that nothing is set in stone, right?

So when spring comes, embrace it. I hope one day I can find ways to enjoy a sweltering hot weather too. Until then, spring will be my respite; winters will be my pause. And summers, my rush!

Yes, I change with the weather, capricious, and susceptible to the glow of the bright moon, the dark colours of the sky, and the chill in the air. And clinging; to every bit of what anything that is good

1 comment:

  1. google Enchroma Glass Reaction

    That's how life feels in Spring, to me

    - fan


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